Sunday, July 8, 2012

From Colleen

Hi all,

Usually Cason is the one who writes blog updates, but I thought I would try to share what is going on in my heart.  I'm not planning on writing much about what we've been up to this summer, but know that we are having a really good time with family and friends. I put pictures throughout this post of highlights from the summer so far. 

At a wedding with some of my best friends
I am so thankful for all those who have surrounded us with prayer and support.  I feel like God has used His body of believers to show us His love.  We are still in the adoption process… which is a scary prospect, but we are cautiously excited to finally get to be parents.  We are basically “on call” now and could hear any day or night that we have a child. 

One difficult issue for me has been waiting and feeling like my joy is somehow cheapened by what we’ve gone through.  We are so ready to be parents and it is very hard living everyday knowing that we could get a call that will change our lives and lead to the joy of parenthood… while at the same time knowing that it could just as easily lead to more heartache.   Like in our previous situation, unless there is a birthfather present to sign over his rights to the baby after 72 hours, he will legally have 30 days to step forward to claim his offspring.  I’m so worried that I won’t be able to love my child fully knowing that… that’ll I’ll be afraid that something else will happen, so I won’t commit fully. 

Cason went to a concert with his sister and her boyfriend
In many ways, I feel like I should be “over this” by now - that I should be able to trust in God’s plan for my life so traumatic experiences shouldn’t phase me, or be content because everything is just part of God’s plan.  I have read so many stories of Christians going through much more traumatic things than we have been through, and yet come out unscathed, trusting, humble, and unwavering in their faith in God.  I feel guilty that I am not that person.  That I am not so solid, that I still struggle with what has happened, that I don’t yet see the purpose in our suffering. 

We are trying so hard to be faithful and seek God through all of this, and at times I feel like I am doing well and am strong… but at others I am crippled, feeling like something as simple as praying is impossible.  


We went on a wonderful family vacation with the Ramsays at the end of May
I am currently going through a Bible study with my sisters all about detoxifying thought life.  It has been incredibly insightful for me to read how poisonous my thoughts can be … such as “God hears my prayers and decides to use my desires against me so I should keep my hopes and dreams to myself,” “If I was a stronger Christian, and had more faith I would have the family I have always wanted,” or “Why has everyone else had it so easy while we continue to fail.  Are we doing something wrong?  Is this a punishment?”  I have been fighting thoughts like this ever since we returned from Kenya.  Even though I know that my thinking is not theologically sound, it is somehow hard to feel that God loves me, that my suffering is a product of a fallen world, and that He wants me to be joyful.


This morning our pastor preached about conflict.   One of his primary points was that God uses conflict to sanctify us.  As Christians, we should embrace conflict so we can look to God for resolution and to restore us.  God is sovereign over conflict.   He is sovereign over sin, even though He is apart from sin.  He brings conflict in our lives to refine us and so we will look past earthly troubles to see His work and purpose. 

Those truths sound great from the pulpit, but can be so hard to internalize them, to let go and trust.  But I know that is what I need to hear… That even though we don’t have answers now, or see a purpose to all of this, God is using this conflict to teach us, to teach others and to help us grow in our faith.  He is sovereign over this situation; He brought this conflict to refine us.  It was not to be cruel, nor was it just a random, awful occurrence that happened outside of God’s control.  As Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis “What you meant for evil, the Lord meant for good.”  We pray that God will use the evil and sin surrounding Asher/Jason’s beginning of life, and the fact that we were caught up in it, to bring the Gospel – redemption, healing, restoration… the adoption of souls by the Lord. 

As always, thanks for reading and for journeying with us. 


On a much lighter note… We got a puppy.  It was something we have been talking about since December and finally decided it was the right time.  She is a precious little golden doodle who is currently using up all of our time and energy, but has brought us many laughs and much joy.  I love her!  Enjoy this serious of ridiculously cute pictures…

Indy spooning with one of our foster kittens

First day at our house

She likes to cuddle... even when Cason is just crouches down to get work done

She doesn't like being on the floor of the car... so I usually let her in my lap! Cason doesn't...

Our puppy, Indy, is a Mini Golden Doodle that my Aunt Kathy breeds, so let me know if you're interested in one!