Can’t believe it has been a month since our last post! Our three weeks in the US flew by and we are now back in Kenya. We were blessed with so much great time with our friends and family during our time in Wooster, Chicago, and Greenwood.
Colleen’s sister Adrienne (with her husband, Matt, in the photo at left) got married the first Saturday that we were in the States, and it was so good to see so much of the Ramsay/Ambrose side of the family. After the wedding, we stayed for some days at the Ramsays, enjoying some post-wedding relaxation and watching the World Cup.
While in Wooster, we had the opportunity to share at the church Colleen attended growing up, Wooster Mennonite. It was really fun sharing with the Sunday school kids – they ask the best questions! Both the church and the Sunday school kids had raised some money for us, and the kids bought some toys for the Baby Centre kids. It was great to share in the service, especially since so many had been praying for specific children at the Baby Centre.
The birthday girl in a heart...:
One of the days we were in Greenwood, we drove the hour and a half down to see my (Cason's) grandparents who are in nursing home facilities close to the Kentucky border. We were incredibly blessed that my grandpa, who suffers from Parkinson’s among other things, was having a “good” day so he could talk and pray with us – it was such a blessing to be able to talk with him so much! My nana, who is 91 years old, is as spunky and opinionated as ever – among other things, she told us she has a list of baby name recommendations for us. : ) Papa and Nana have to live in separate facilities because of the different levels of care that they require, so it was so sweet to see them together when we took her to visit him. The picture at the top of this post is of them holding hands...
click here to see an album of photos with them.
For our last weekend before returning to Kenya, Colleen’s parents John and Eileen came to Greenwood to spend time with us. Everyone enjoyed spending some of Saturday at the Indy Museum of Art outdoor grounds and gardens. See pictures at the bottom of this post.
On that Sunday morning (the 11th), we shared at my parent’s church, Southside Bible, which has supported us from the beginning. Above is the video that we showed in church before sharing about our ministries in Kenya. As you might note, no pictures of spreadsheets or me in the office… people really seem to respond much better to pictures of the Baby Centre kids!

Sunday afternoon was (of course!) the World Cup final, so Ramsays and Wittigs headed up to a pub on the north side to watch the match between Spain and Holland. We met our friends, the Van Burens, at the pub, and they were both wearing Netherlands jerseys… in contrast to my Spain shirt.
The match went long, and was a little dull, but it was such a fun environment. I was happy that the Spanish won. We said our goodbyes to the Ramsays after the match, then had one more day of frantic packing and shopping in the US before flying out on Tuesday.
Colleen with her parents:
I’m writing this on Wednesday evening on our flight to Nairobi… the little plane graphic on the monitor keeps getting closer and closer to Kenya. We feel so blessed to have so many friends and to have had the opportunity to see so many of them while we are home. But are also excited to be back in Kenya with our friends there, and to see the Baby Center kids again.
As we said in a previous post, World Gospel Mission has asked us to extend our stay in Kenya beyond our original return date of August. We’ve agreed to stay until Christmas, so we are trying to raise funds towards that end. If you are interested in supporting us, please see the contribution forms on the right side of the blog. Let us know if you have any questions.
While in US, we were asked often what our plans are for after December… and the true answer is that only God knows. It is exciting and yet a little nerve-wracking to not have any plans, but we trust that God knows the way for us (Jeremiah 29). At this point we are planning on coming to the US in December when our current term ends, and seeing what God has for us there, but we’ll be praying for guidance over the next few months, and it would mean the world to us if you would join us in prayer. More than requesting for “writing in the sky” telling us where to go/what to do, we are mainly claiming the promise of James 1: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt…”
Thanks so much for reading our blog, and for your support.
Cason & Colleen
Note: Click any of the pictures on the post to see a larger version.
Our friend, Linnea, as a sparklered angel:
Me, in a box:
Corinn and Colleen in front of Buckingham Fountain in Chicago:
Colleen and her mom relaxing at the Ramsay house in Wooster:
Americana on July 4th:
Family pictures from the Indy Museum of art:
Until next time...