First some photo albums we’ve neglected to link to…
On Christmas Eve (my birthday!), we went to Lake Nakuru Park with Cason’s sister, Corinn. It was really nice, but it rained quite a bit in the afternoon. We did see rhinos, hyenna (including a den of pups!), and two male lions feasting on a cape buffalo.
Click HERE to see more pictures!
Click HERE to see a few photos of our Christmas with Corinn, including all of the sugary candy that Cason got from the States. He was a happy camper!
On Boxing Day, we went to the Baby Center and got some great photos of the triplets - Lydia, Benjamin, and Caleb - as well as the other babies. Click to see the album.
The Sunday that Corinn was in Kenya, we had a family from church over for Mexican food – we figured since we’ve been eating so many new things we’d have them try something new when they came to our house. They are such a great family and we really enjoy the 4 boys to come to youth group -
Click HERE to see a few photos of us with the Komens.
After Christmas weekend, we took Corinn to see Lake Baringo. Even though it is typically like a desert, it rained much of the time

we were there, which was great for the surrounding villages, but bad for our sightseeing boat ride. It ended up being a good trip – after the rains stopped it turned into a beautiful day and we got to see hippos, eagles, a monitor lizzard, and many birds.
Click to see more pictures of Baringo with Corinn!
Finally done linking! Read on for more about our new year plans and goals…
It’s the new year and Cas and I are starting it out with a bang! After a few days of relaxing we discussed how we want this year to be different than last year. We did the usual new years resolutions but we also sat down and talked through how we want our ministries to look differently this year than they were last year.
Cason is finding ways of witnessing and drawing in the guys he plays soccer with. Because of the language barrier it is very difficult to talk to the guys he plays with. He can witness by lifestyle but eventually there must be some dialog. Cason is hoping to foster a closer relationship with a few of the leaders on the team and encourage them to be able to talk to the others of a closer relationship with Christ. We would also like to have the men to our home to watch a soccer match and include bible study as a part of that.
For my ministry with the children I have decided to add some structure to their education and development. I am evaluated each child to find out where they are developmentally and creating an action plan for improving their current state. I will do monthly evaluations and work tri-weekly with each child in the hopes to get them caught up with where they need to be. Many are behind and it has been sad realizing how much they need to accomplish to catch up to their peers. I am very excited about adding structure to what I am already doing here and feel that it will greatly improve their progress.
We have a new baby at the baby center. He is a little over a year old and needs to gain some weight fast! Within hours of getting a bath and having some food he began to smile and interact with the kids and caregivers. It was wonderful to see his drastic improvement after just a few small things like that. We are excited to see him grow and develop. He has already shown that he is quite smart and energetic. We have named him after Mike Ho, one of Cason and my good friends because he came to us on Mike’s birthday. So we welcome little Michael to the Baby Center and ask for prayers for his health to improve quickly.
Cason and I are going into this New Year excited about our ministries and eager to serve the Lord in new and fresh ways. Thank you all for your prayers. We are so blessed by all those supporting us!
Here is one last picture of Cason's sister, Corinn, spinning with her buddy Joshua who didn’t take off his Christmas wings for days after he received them.

Thanks so much for reading! Love, Colleen